Bladen County North Carolina


Solid Waste Management

“Keep Bladen Beautiful”

Solid Waste 

Bladen County Solid Waste Ordinances

Director – Chip Perry
Accounting Technician - Brandon Smith

Office 910-645-4279
Fax 910-645-2181

 1522 Mercer Mill RD
Elizabethtown NC  28337

To Report Illegal Dumping:
Chip Perry, 910-876-3490
Solid Waste Enforcement Officer



Bladen County operates its own solid waste collection, disposal, and recycling programs through its Enterprise Fund. Residential solid waste generated by rural households (individual and multifamily dwellings) is accepted at our Convenience/Recycling Centers by depositing waste in an enclosed compactor or 30 yd open top roll-off container. Waste is hauled from the Convenient Centers to the Transfer Station through one of our three (3) county owned roll-off trucks. Our frontloading truck collects waste from the 50 remaining 6 yd dumpsters located at the government buildings and schools.

Households are charged user fees annually of $70 for collection and $80 for disposal. Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste is accepted at the transfer station for a tipping fee of $55 per ton. The incorporated towns contract their curbside Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) collection through Waste Management funded by monthly user fees. The towns of Tar Heel and East Arcadia depend on the county operated programs. The county currently transfers all MSW to Sampson County Disposal, Inc., a private Landfill facility located outside of Roseboro, NC.  Seventeen (17) Convenience/Recycling Centers are in full operation and strategically located throughout the county. They are fenced in, well lighted for night/early morning use, landscaped, and manned by security officers. Operational hours for the Convenience/Recycling Centers are from 7a.m. to 7 p.m. each day except Wednesday and Sunday. All Centers accept yard waste (small limbs, straw, grass clippings and shrubbery). Recycling and reuse items collected at the Centers are passenger and light truck tires, lead acid batteries, white goods (appliances), scrap metals, steel/tin & aluminum cans, plastics (bottles & containers), all colors of glass (bottles & jars), used motor oil, electronics, corrugated cardboard, paperboard, news paper & magazines, oil filters, oyster shells, and triple rinsed pesticide containers. You can reach any center by dialing 910-645-4279.

Bladen County takes advantage of its affiliation with Keep America Beautiful to help educate the citizens of Bladen County on the proper way to handle waste in our area. The purpose of this program is to promote proper handling of solid waste including reduction, reuse and recycling as well as litter prevention. The Keep Bladen Beautiful (KBB) program is in full operation and we encourage you to get involved! 

Bladen County’s long range vision is to implement an ongoing Comprehensive Waste Management Program. A program that will continue to give us direction in our mission to collect, recycle, and dispose of solid waste in the most economically and environmentally sound way possible, while influencing positive attitudes toward solid waste management and keeping our county clean an beautiful!