Bladen County North Carolina


Frequently Asked Questions


 What is the population of Bladen County?

Approximately 29,606 (2020 Census)


 What is the current tax rate?

The tax rate for FY 2022-2023 is $.785 per $100 valuation.


 What is the County’s operating budget?

The general fund budget for FY 2022-2023 is $70,184,374.


 When are County offices open?

County offices are generally open from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. each weekday, excluding holidays. Please note: Hours of operation for certain programs and services can vary, so please visit the applicable department’s website to verify their hours.

The Courthouse :

A. Normal Hours of Operation.

The courthouse will be open from 8:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday for all employees. The courthouse will be open from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday to the general public. The Bladen County Sheriff s Office will provide security for the courthouse from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday except county recognized holidays. This schedule will be implemented on or about the 1st day of December, 2014.


B. Exceptions to Normal Hours of Operation.

1. In the event that a court or special hearing must continue to operate beyond normal hours, judicial officials, court personnel and court deputies will be on staff to work these events, in addition County Commission Meetings, operations of the 911 Center, Emergency Management, Community Corrections and the Emergency Operations Center will be allowed to occur at any time separate and apart from the hours listed above.

2. Non-court events at the courthouse must have prior approval by the County Manager or his/her designee.

 What can I bring into the County Courthouse?

Visitors to County-owned buildings may be subjected to security screening. Please note: The following items are prohibited in the County Courthouse:




•Batons of any size

•Pepper spray


•Cutting instruments

•Any other item Sheriff's Office personnel determine to be a security risk.


 Where are your offices located?

The Courthouse is located at 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown NC 28337.

For a full list of department locations and contact information, please visit our contact directory


 What is the mailing address?

The Bladen County mailing address is P.O. Box 1048, Elizabethtown, NC 28337.


 When do the Commissioners’ meet?

The Commissioners meet every first and third Monday at 6:30 PM. The meetings take place in the Commissioners’ meeting room, which is located on the basement of the Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad St, Elizabethtown NC 28337. Public comment is invited at these meetings. Meetings and schedules are also available on this website


 How do I get a copy of a birth or death certificate?

The following types of records are maintained by the Bladen County Register of Deeds office:

Birth Records           Delayed Birth Records        Death Records        Marriage Records

The only person(s) that may request a certified copy of a birth certificate are as follows:

· Yourself

· Your spouse

· Your mother/father

· Your brother/sister

· Your child/grandchildren

· Your grandmother/grandfather

· A person seeking information for legal determination of person or property rights

(proof required)

· An authorized agent, attorney, or legal representative of the person names on

the vital record

The Bladen County Register of Deeds office can be reached at 910 862-6710.  Website


 Where do I pay my county taxes?

The Tag & Tax Together program combines your North Carolina vehicle's registration fees and property taxes into one renewal notice.  The NC DMV now sends a single invoice to pay both vehicle taxes and license tags.

County property taxes are handled by the Bladen County Tax Office.  They can be reached at 910 862-6730.  The Bladen County Tax Office is located at 201 East King Street, Elizabethtown, NC  28337.  Website


 Where can I obtain building permits?

The Building Inspections Department is located at 450 Smith Circle, Elizabethtown, NC 28337.  They can be reached at 910-862-6780.  Office hours are 8:30am - 5:00pm and plans approval & building permits until 9:30am M-F

Inspectors available until 9:30am M-F for code and inspection related questions.  Website


 How do I register to vote?

The Bladen County Board of Elections is located at 301 S. Cypress St., Elizabethtown, NC  28337.  They can be reached at 910 862-6951.  Website


 How do I obtain a driver’s license, vehicle registration and other related matters?

The North Carolina Department of Transportation handles driver’s licenses, vehicle registration and similar requests. Please visit their site at


 Where do I go for a license to purchase a pistol?

The Bladen County Sheriff’s Office handles licenses to purchase pistols. Please visit this office's site for more information.  Handgun Purchase Application


 I need information regarding a court date and or jury selection.

The Clerk of Court can be reached at 910 872-7200.  

The Bladen County District Attorney’ can be reached at 910 872-7300 and their website can be accessed here


 Where can I get a passport?

Passport applications can be made at the US Post Office at 301 Green Street, Fayetteville, NC  28301.  Their phone number is 910-486-2360.


 When are the solid waste convenience centers open?

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7am – 7pm.  Map and  Locations