Bladen County North Carolina


Boards and Commissions

The operation of Bladen County government is a shared responsibility of elected officials, staffs, and many citizens who serve voluntarily on various boards, commissions, committees, and councils.  The County is best served when there is broad representation of citizen demographics and interests on the boards, commissions, committees, and councils.
The Bladen County Board of Commissioners is sensitive to the need for fairness in making appointments to boards, commissions, committees, and councils. In making appointments, the Board will have as a goal the fair representation of all Bladen County citizens, taking into consideration age, sex, race and geographic distribution. 
The Board of Commissioners desires to appoint qualified, knowledgeable, and dedicated people to serve on the boards, commissions, committees, and councils. The Board will continuously solicit the interest and input of Bladen County citizens in making appointments.