Bladen County North Carolina


Soil & Water Conservation

The Bladen Soil and Water Conservation District is an Agency of the State of North Carolina organized to exercise public powers conferred under provision s of the Soil and Water Conservation District Laws of North Carolina of 1937 as amended.  The District’s purpose is to protect and promote the health, safety and general welfare of its people by conserving the soil, water and related natural resources within the District.  Our District boundaries are the same as Bladen County.
The Mission Statement for the Bladen Soil and Water Conservation District is to provide technical and financial assistance and education to the citizens of Bladen County through a sound and balanced program to encourage individuals to conserve, improve and sustain our soil, water and other resources for future generations to come.


District Supervisors

Chairman, Willie Beard
Vice-Chairman, Eddie Hester
Secretary/Treasurer, Charles Gillespie
Member-at-large, Albert Beatty
Member-at-large, Albert Shaw
Robert Dean Morris, Department Head/Natural Resources Conservationist
Kenneth "Chip" Campbell, Resource Conservationist
Sean Workman, Soil Conservationist, NRCS
Hackney Deans, Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist, Quail Forever
Karen Davis, Administrative Assistant/Education Coordinator
Contact Information
450 Smith Circle
Elizabethtown, North Carolina 28337
Telephone:  910-247-3457
Monthly Meeting Schedule
2nd Tuesday of each month, 8:00 AM
(Please contact the office for more information/possible schedule change/agenda)