Bladen County North Carolina


Water District

Water District
Phone:  910 862-6996




 New Tap Fees

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All on-line payments made after 8:00 AM will be processed the next business day.

Requirements and Instructions

  1. Application:An application may be obtained from the Bladen County Water District office, located on Smith Circle at the Bladen County Operations Building. You will receive a blue flag to place near the location you would like the water meter tap to be placed. You may determine this location or request a plumber to advise you.
  2. Connection: After notification, a connection can be made between the structure and the water meter. A physical inspection of the connection and service line will be made by the County Water District and after approved, the water will be turned on by the County. Water users should be aware that the connection between the meter and their own individual plumbing system shall meet all applicable requirements of the State Plumbing Code. The property owner, or a licensed plumber as required by the State of NC, may install the water line.
  3. Farmers Home Administration rules require applicant to agree to tap on to the system within 6 months or pay the monthly minimum rate schedule fee.
  4. Monthly invoices are mailed by the 15th of each month and due on the last day of the month. An account is past due on the first of the following month. A $15.00 late charge is applied to the past due balance on the 10th of each month. If payment is not received within the 30 day billing cycle, service will be disconnected. A reconnect fee of $40.00 shall be paid, plus account balance, prior to service being restored.

Fee Schedule

I. Classification of Service

Benefited User: Benefited users include all types of residences, single family or multifamily, schools, churches, and commercial establishments requiring a 3/4" x 5/8" and 1" standard service.

  B. Non-Benefited Users: Non-Benefited users include schools, churches, commercial and industrial establishments which require a meter larger than 1".
II. Rate Schedule and Tap-On Fees

Rate Schedule: 
Gallons          Rate/Thousand Gallons

1-1,000                 $20.00 flat rate *

1,001-20,000         $3.50

20,001-50,000       $3.65

50,001-100,000     $3.80

Above 100,000      $4.00

* Flat rate of $20.00 is for 3/4" X 5/8" to 1" meters. 

All other meters have a $35.00 flat rate for 0 - 1,000 gallons.

  Note* Subject to change as required by Water District Board
  B. Tap On Fees:
(1) After completion of a phase, the regular tap on fee will be:
  C. Deposits:    
    Industrial  $150.00  
    Renters (with ID)
  D. Reconnect Fee
  E. Return Check Fee
  F. Late Charge
  G. Tampering:    
    per offense


 plus criminal charges by NCGS


  1. Water service will be available at the street right of way adjacent to your lot. You should request the county's service to be located on your property 30 ft from the center of the highway, across any ditch off state right of way. You may determine this location of request a plumber to advise you.
  2. Prior to making the final connections to the new system, the owner should drain their hot water heater and flush. Also, the entire system should be flushed by opening all faucets and allowing it to run until the water becomes clear. Because of the new source of water and possible increase of pressure, deposits in your pipes may be loosened and will need to be flushed.
  3. Residents may use their existing pumps as long as it is not connected to the County System.
  4. The owner, or a plumber, should visually inspect the entire plumbing system and check for leaking pipes and faucets.

Highlights of NC State Plumbing Code Requirements

  1. A minimum of 160 psi 3/4" service line from the meter to the structure.
  2. An approved cut-off gate valve must be installed near the structure and at the meter box.
  3. Service line must be buried a minimum of 12" in the ground.
  4. Service line may not be installed through a septic tank drain field or within 10 ft. of a septic tank.
  5. No private water supply shall be interconnected with the public water supply.


Mailing Address
P.O. Box 2350
ElizabethtownNC  28337

Physical Address
272 Smith Circle
ElizabethtownNC  28337


E-mail address

Department Head
Don Edwards


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