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The N.C. Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (DJJDP) was established in July 2000 by pulling together the components of state government that previously worked independently to address juvenile delinquency and crime. DJJDP was the first cabinet level agency to focus on issues of juvenile justice issues and at risk youth in the state.
DJJDP has the responsibility of protecting the public from juvenile crime and promoting the positive development of youth. We work to fulfill this responsibility in a number of ways. Our programs and services make u[ a comprehensive continuum that meets the needs of a wide range of youth and their families, from those who are in local schools and communities to those who are confined to DJJDP facilities. We provide programs and services that focus on early prevention as well as those that are oriented toward intervention and confinement. Our programs and services fir together to form a juvenile justice system designed to keep the public safe and reduce the occurrence of juvenile crime.
In past years, Juvenile Justice has been moved to the Department of Public Safety.
Vision Statement
A seamless, comprehensive juvenile justice system which provides the most effective service to youth and their families at the right time in the most appropriate settings.
Mission Statement
Bladen County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council invests in local programs that provide community safety, quality prevention and intervention while coordinating a comprehensive approach to address juvenile delinquency.
Bladen County JCPC Membership JCPC membership includes:
- Business Community
- Faith Community
- School Board
- Chief Court Counselor
- Police Department
- Sheriff's Department
- Department of Social Services
- Substance Abuse Professionals
- District Attorney's Office
- Public Defender's Office
- County Commissioners
- Parks and Recreation
- United Way or Non-Profit
- Mental Health Director
- Health Department
- County Manager
- District Court Judge
- County Commissioner Appointees (7)
- Local Youth Representatives (2)
Bladen County JCPC Officers
Chairman: Joey Todd Vice- Chairman: to be announced JCPC Coordinator: = Area Consultant: Lance Britt
Our JCPC has several committees that help the council operate. These are the following committees we currently have:
- Executive Committee
- Funding Committee
- Monitoring Committee
- Membership/Nomination Committee
- Public Relations Committee
- Community Needs Assessment Committee.