Bladen County North Carolina


Bladen Area Rural Transportation System (BARTS)


Section 5311 (ADTAP), 5310, 5339, 5307 and applicable State funding, or combination thereof.

This is to inform the public that a public hearing will be held on the proposed County of Bladen Community Transportation Program Application to be submitted to the North Carolina Department of Transportation no later than October 4, 2024. The public hearing will be held on September 16, 2024 at 6:30 PM before the (governing board) Bladen County Board of Commissioners.

Those interested in attending the public hearing and needing either auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or a language translator should contactDr. Teresa Duncan on or before September 12, 2024, at telephone number 910-872-6253 via email at

The Community Transportation Program provides assistance to coordinate existing transportation programs operating in Bladen County as well as provides transportation options and services for the communities within this service area.  These services are currently provided using Lift Equipment and Conversion Vans.  Services are rendered by BARTS Transportation.

The total estimated amount requested for the period July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026.

NOTE: Local share amount is subject to State funding availability.

Project             Total Amount               Local Share

5311 Administrative    $ 179,964          $  26,995  (15%)

5311 Operating          $  -0-               $    -0-     (50%)

Combined Capital        $  -0-               $    -0-     (10%)

Total Funding Request   $ 179.964.00    $  26,995.00

This application may be inspected at BARTS Transportation from 8:30am – 5:00pm.  Written comments should be directed to Dr. Teresa Duncan before September 12, 2024. 

End of Notice



Sección 5311 (ADTAP), 5310, 5339, 5307 y fondos estatales aplicables, o una combinación de ellos.

Este es para informar al público que se llevará a cabo una audiencia pública sobre la propuesta del Programa de Transporte Comunitario del Condado de Bladen que se presentará al Departamento de Transporte de Carolina del Norte a más tardar el 4 de octubre de 2024. La audiencia pública se llevará a cabo el 16 de septiembre. de 2024 a las 6:30 p.m. ante la Junta de Comisionados del Condado de Bladen (junta de gobierno).

Aquellos interesados en asistir a la audiencia pública y que necesiten ayudas y servicios auxiliares según la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA) o un traductor de idiomas deben comunicarse con la Dra. Teresa Duncan el 12 de septiembre de 2024 o antes, al número de teléfono 910-872-6253 a través de correo electrónico a

El Programa de Transporte Comunitario brinda asistencia para coordinar los programas de transporte existentes que operan en el condado de Bladen y también brinda opciones y servicios de transporte para las comunidades dentro de esta área de servicio. Estos servicios se prestan actualmente mediante equipos de elevación y furgonetas de conversión. Los servicios son prestados por BARTS Transportation.
El monto total estimado solicitado para el período del 1 de julio de 2025 al 30 de junio de 2026.

NOTA: El monto de la participación local está sujeto a la disponibilidad de fondos estatales.

Proyecto Monto Total Participación Local
5311 Administrativo $ 179.964,00 $ 26.995,00 (15%)
5311 Operando $ $ (50%)

TOTAL PROYECTO $ 179,964.00 $ 26,995.00

Solicitud de financiamiento total Participación local total

Esta solicitud se puede inspeccionar en BARTS Transportation de 8:30 a. m. a 5:00 p. m. Los comentarios escritos deben dirigirse a la Dra. Teresa Duncan antes del 12 de septiembre de 2024.

Fin del aviso

BARTS is a public transportation service that is open to the public.
Anyone can ride! 

Bladen Area Rural Transportation System, also known as BARTS, is a community transportation system that provides a variety of transportation needs for citizens of Bladen County. Not only is there human service transportation, there is also public transportation. The following is a list of some of the different kinds of transportation.

  • General transportation for senior adults to nutrition sites, and local shopping.
  • Medical transportation for senior adults and public passengers.
  • Weekly public out of town medical trips including routes for Lumberton, Fayetteville, Wilmington and Whiteville.
  • No reservations after 11:00 am the day before the appointment.
  • Some local employment transportation
  • Transportation to Bladen Community College within our routes
  • Local public routes for shopping
  • Kidney Dialysis Transportation
  • All transportation is subsidized by grants to keep BARTS a low-cost alternative for your personal or public transportation needs.
  • Services are fee-based on a varying scale – for individuals or small groups, etc. Rates may change as needed. There are also in-county and out-of-county rates.  No Charters.
  • Disability services available.
  • We are a curb to curb service.
  • We service Bladen County Monday thru Friday 7:00am – 5:00pm.
  • BARTS Transportation has a variety of vehicles to serve you: Conversion Wheelchair Vans, Center Aisle and Standard buses.
  • For ADA clients with alternative communication needs we can get your message relayed through the TTY technologies. The number is 1-800-799-4889.
  • Fluent Language Tele # 1-800-821-3420
  • You can contact us at our office at 910-862-6930 for your transportation needs.
  • If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can reach the director of transportation at 910-872-6336.